Minutes of the 3rd Annual General Meeting of Gambian Education & Teaching Support held at the Deal Centre for the Retired on 20th May 2006. 


1) Present:

Francis Glynn  -  Chairman    

Sarah Travers-Treasurer                     Julie Limbrick-Secretary   

Sheila Plaister - SponsorshipTrustee     Shirley Britton - Fund Raising Trustee

Ann Price 

Miss Stanton

Adrian Leonard

Rose Leonard

 Joyce Turner

Margaret Combey 

Dave and Lisa Hardy 

Bryn Limbrick 

Kaye and John Skingsley

Paul and Dawn Webster

Steve and Jenny Maw

Carolyn and Naomi Taylor 

Nicky Bettany

 Suzanne Pinkney

 Nicola Maureen

 Claire Creedon

Nick Plaister


2) Apologies: 

Graham Poole

Val Thompson

Joanna McLaverty

Gillian Lapping

Joyce Turner

Tonie & Valmai Holt

Peter & Margaret Vann

Peter and Avril Bingham

Rosemary & Michael Howden

Rose Holder

Lesley Hedley

Lisa Serino

Vee Delaney

Jennifer Hamilton

Angela Thomas

 3) Minutes of the last AGM held on 22nd May 2005 were PASSED and signed.

4) Nominations to the Executive Committee:

The nomination of Mr. Glynn was seconded by Margaret Combey and CARRIED. 

The nomination of Sarah Travers was seconded by Shirley Britton and CARRIED.

Secretary: The nomination of Mrs Limbrick was seconded by Dawn Webster and CARRIED. 

 Election to Executive Committee (4 maximum)

It was proposed by Dawn Webster">

Minutes of the 3rd Annual General Meeting of Gambian Education & Teaching Support held at the Deal Centre for the Retired on 20th May 2006. 


1) Present:

Francis Glynn  -  Chairman    

Sarah Travers-Treasurer                     Julie Limbrick-Secretary   

Sheila Plaister - SponsorshipTrustee     Shirley Britton - Fund Raising Trustee

Ann Price 

Miss Stanton

Adrian Leonard

Rose Leonard

 Joyce Turner

Margaret Combey 

Dave and Lisa Hardy 

Bryn Limbrick 

Kaye and John Skingsley

Paul and Dawn Webster

Steve and Jenny Maw

Carolyn and Naomi Taylor 

Nicky Bettany

 Suzanne Pinkney

 Nicola Maureen

 Claire Creedon

Nick Plaister


2) Apologies: 

Graham Poole

Val Thompson

Joanna McLaverty

Gillian Lapping

Joyce Turner

Tonie & Valmai Holt

Peter & Margaret Vann

Peter and Avril Bingham

Rosemary & Michael Howden

Rose Holder

Lesley Hedley

Lisa Serino

Vee Delaney

Jennifer Hamilton

Angela Thomas

 3) Minutes of the last AGM held on 22nd May 2005 were PASSED and signed.

4) Nominations to the Executive Committee:

The nomination of Mr. Glynn was seconded by Margaret Combey and CARRIED. 

The nomination of Sarah Travers was seconded by Shirley Britton and CARRIED.

Secretary: The nomination of Mrs Limbrick was seconded by Dawn Webster and CARRIED. 

 Election to Executive Committee (4 maximum)

It was proposed by Dawn Webster, seconded by Margaret Combey that Shirley Britton be re-elected to the Executive Committee and CARRIED.

It was proposed by Nicky Bettany, seconded by Lisa Hardy and CARRIED that Sheila Plaister be re-elected to Executive Committee  

The Chairman advised members of the facility for the Executive Committee to appoint Advisers to the Committee with specific expertise or knowledge during the year.

 5) The Annual Report (copy in Minute book and circulated) 

The Chairman reported fully on the following subjects:

A year of consolidation.

Charity registration now granted.

Improvements to schools and project progress.  

Curriculum - material production.

2nd string language development.

Plans for small resource workshop.

Donation of a scanner by Margaret Combey for Gambian office.

Appointment of secretary to assist Gambian staff with administration.

Newsletter welcomed warmly.

Interest expressed on liaison by other charity/groups.


6) Annual Accounts/Treasurer's Report: (Circulated and Brief in Minute Book.)

The Treasurer Ms. Sarah Travers advised accounts were not able to be published fully as further information is awaited from Gambia but circulated a brief for committee information.

Members were assured the accounts would be posted on the Web page as soon as possible.

£27,000 income over the year had been received, thanks to subscriptions, fund-raising, donations and sponsorships with the gift aid facility raising a further £3,000.

All sponsorships and projects had been sustained.

Total expenses were just £500 including curriculum expenses and monthly transfer fees to Gambia. 

Mr. Glynn thanked his fellow trustees for their hard work and commitment to the charity.


  Following details of CAF banking the Treasurer agreed to look at its viability for GETSuk 

7) Sponsorship Report

 Mrs Sheila Plaister advised the council of members of 38 new sponsors (15 of who pay the fees by standing order)

Mrs. Plaister said it had been a frustrating year due to 2 way communication problems but that the new office in Gambia had made a tremendous difference as did the assistance of the secretarial appointment.

 Sheila thanked the sponsors for their patience which enabled some 800 children to be assisted in various ways.


8) Fund Raising Report

 Mrs Shirley Britton reported on the following:-

11 area representatives now offering help and being supported.

A request to help find many more people to help and join as members.

Details of a Build a Brick Appeal and Classroom Appeal.

The Strategy of Fund Raising ideas.  

Shirley asked members visiting Gambia to spend just a little time distributing information on GETSUk in the GTS bar/restaurant to new tourists.


 It was noted any written information must carry the charity registration number - including printed T shirts

 9) Monitoring Report:

 Mrs Julie Limbrick's monitoring visit of March 2006 included updates on:- 

Assistance afforded to trustees when visiting Gambia by GETS staff and the need to review wage scales.

All teachers' wage scales also to be reviewed.

Communication and utility problems both sides of the Atlantic.

Visiting projects:- Essau - North Bank and ferry crossings.

Bakoteh upgrading.

London Corner - Dumbarton.

Youna Sports Hall.

 Increased inflation causing further hardships in Gambia. Rice up by £5 a bag - roughly a week's wages.

 Report ACCEPTED.  

A discussion took place on a 'fair wage,' the need to review wages and the vital need to be able to sustain and fund any increases.

 The Chairman requested help with voice recording exercises to allow Gambian children to hear an English speaking voice.

 Mr Glynn also requested help to find specific educational materials and tape recorders and C.D players that can run on rechargeable batteries.  

Castellan West African Trust Project:

 Mr David Goss and his wife Jewel were welcomed to the meeting and Mr. Goss explained to members the ongoing discussions of the Trust's amalgamation with GETSUk

 Mr Goss then explained to members the achievements of his group of sponsors and their major support to the village of Bwiam (situated up- river half way to George Town)

The Chairman thanked Mr. Goss for a very interesting overview of the Trust's work and advised council of the continuation of two way discussions on the best ways to work together for the benefit of Gambia.

  Questions & Comments  

General discussion followed with input on many subjects and experiences in Gambia.

 A cheque for £500 raised by Miss Naomi Taylor for Bakoteh School was presented to the Treasurer and members advised much publicity had been obtained at the Gambian presentation ceremony 

 Supporters were thanked both during and after the meeting for their financial and practical support including Naomi, Steve and Jenny Maw, Lisa and Dave Hardy, Rose and Adrian Leonard, John and Kay Skingsley, Paul and Dawn Webster, Nicky Bettany and Ann Price. 

The Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting. 

Attendees were advised the AGM next year would be held in a different county yet to be determined. 


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