Week ending 20th December

This week we had an
Indian gentleman (Sani Roy) arrive without warning to show his
paper-folding skills to the children. We managed to get most of
the Lower Basic children together at the end of break to watch
for a little while. Sani did a great job at capturing the
children's attention and made a number of decorations, including
paper flowers (see insert).We bought a few of his leaflet/books
to keep in the school library to allow further practice after he

We've been working on
a project to improve our Lower Basic water supplies. The
pictures show blocks being brought (by donkey cart) to frame a
subterranean storage tank.

This tank collects
water from the public supply, usually running at very low
pressure and a pump lifts the water to our storage tank, high in
the LB roof space in the early hours of the morning each day,
when pressure is often better. Strong gates keep out any
unauthorised people.

We bought in another
gift from a supporter, Jenny Hooper. Jenny sent us woollen
jumpers for our smallest children for cold days. The picture
shows teacher Mrs Sally Ceesay handing these out to the children
who are most needy.

Jenny also sent us
some wool, knitting needles and crochet hooks to be used in
sewing. Our librarian (Sainabou Sambou) and our sewing teacher (Fatou
Nyassi) are looking through these kind gifts. Thank you Jenny.
Sports Day at the
Sunrise Centre is always very hectic and the staff put in a
tremendous amount of effort to make things go to plan (or as
near as possible!).

The programme sets out
an ambitious list of events to take place at the sports field
about 500 yards South-west of Sunrise Centre.
The pictures show the
staff had printed "Staff" Tee shirts and most pupils wore Kunda
(House) colours and Sunrise Tee shirts. These are all sold by
the PTA towards school funds.
There was a PA system
used to keep control and play music too! Mr Ali Bah had a lead
role in organising everyone with Mr Ousman Jaiteh and Mr
Sulayman Jobe as event starters. The skills students took
responsibility for collecting results and presenting the scores.

legged race

and spoon race

Girls 200m race
-looks as if the winner (mostly out of sight) had a clear lead! 
and the final result
announced by Mr Bah. . . . .
1st Red house
332 points
2nd Blue House
320 points
3rd Yellow
house 288 points
4th Green
House 260 points
Many of the events
were captured on camera and also the celebrations too.
Afterwards a feast back at Sunrise. |
Week ending 13th December
2019 As we
move towards the end of Term 1 there are quite a few extra
activities both inside and outside of the classroom.

Nursery 1 were
watching their teacher, Mrs Sally Ceesay, make them hats before
posing for a photo. They all look great in their “Christmas”

Later in the week we
had a Girls Skills Football competition. They collected a small
amount of cash from students as a prize fund to go with the
winner's cup.

Sulayman Jobe took
responsibility as referee for the competition (and there was no
VAR). He also received a small cash gift for his efforts.
The results –
Match 1 – Skills 2
won 2-1 v Skills 1
Match 2 – Skills 3 won
1-0 v Skills 1
Match 3 Final – Skills
3 won 1-0 v Skills 2
Skills 3 were crowned

In Lower Basic G1 the children have been
competing to create the best Christmas card, to be used to send
to GETS supporters this year.
Second place (Binta Nyassi) and
third place (Maimuna Sillah) cards are here

- with an extra award (to Aisha Soho)
for the best Santa Claus drawing on a their card.
First place will appear next week.

Week ending 6th December
2019 In
Lower Basic 1 this week the children have been working with Mr
Williams to produce our 2019 GETS Christmas card. We do this
every year as a competition and the winning entry is sent out to
all our supporters. We had a number of great cards to look
through. The children obviously enjoyed the challenge.

We have been
struggling to start a new tree off in the centre of the
playground and finally we have had some success with our
“umbrella tree” growing strongly in the last year, producing
some shade.

Tony took pictures of
all of the children and young people in the Sunrise School,
including the staff shown here.

The other class
pictures are under the following linked pages –
Primary (Lower Basic)
Skills Training
http://www.gets-sunrise.org/Skills_Classes.htm |
Week ending 29th November
This week Skills Year 1 have been hard at
work in the Cookery Bantaba doing practical work.

pictures show the students making coconut tarts whilst another
group are cutting and rolling dough for meat pies.

Mai Baldeh is sitting
with local stoves preparing to cook the meat pies.

Later in the week we
had Nursery assembly where the children enjoy singing and acting
out the lines to music. This is a counting song they are singing
this time - 10 Little Fingers.

At break-time the
children sit and eat their breakfast before playing in the play
areas at Sunrise. There is always plenty of energy to lose
before classes restart!
Week ending 22nd November
We now have our Grade 3 National Assessment
Test results through from the exams sat last June and they are
excellent, again. The graph tells the story with an overall
pass-rate of 93% for boys and 94% for girls.
The performance in the
Integrated Studies seems to be not quite as good and staff will
consider this during the preparation for future exams.
Well done to all
the Sunrise staff for helping children achieve this excellent

We were delighted to
receive some new reading books into our Library from Jenny
Hooper. Thank you.
The picture shows our
Librarian, Sainabou Sambou, deciding how to introduce the new
books into the library for the children to read from during
their reading, break and study periods.
We had a whistle stop
visit this week from our Friend and long time fund-raiser Angela
Longoni-Sarr with one of our oldest supporters (I think) Johnnie
Walker. The picture shows Johnnie and Angela in the school hall.
They came to see how we were doing and discuss their plans to
help us in 2020.

Angela played catch
with some children from Nursery on our sports floor, the
building of which she organised for us.

Angela also visited
the Tailoring department, posing with Ebrima Susso (Skills 1)
for another picture.
Week ending 15th November
We still continue to make a breakfast for
the Nursery children very day. The children are lined up at 1030
each day to collect a sandwich and a drink.
Others in school all pay a small amount for a sandwich or they
buy from some of the ladies from the village who bring food in
to sell.

On Monday morning our
new school cluster monitor (Ousman Sowe) came to see Mr Cham.
Ousman is responsible for the 22 schools in this area, assigned
for him to monitor by the Regional Education Department. We
don’t often see the cluster monitor so things must be going

A real character who
keeps popping into the office at Sunrise is the son of Fatou
Sanneh (Nursery 3 teacher). His name is Musa Stephen Sanno.
Today looking much older than his 3 years!

We currently have 2 vacancies at The
Sunrise Centre to be filled; one for a cleaner and the other a
Caretaker position. We hope that word of mouth will help to find
2 local people to help us.
We were pleased to meet up with Annette
Taylor and her friend Maxine. Annette sponsors 2 of our students
with their school fees because they would otherwise not be able
to come to school. During the visit Annette gave them both gifts
to enjoy, at home.
Below is Annette with Aji Takko Bah from
LB3,on the left and Ndey Mboob from LB1 on the right.

Maxine and Annette also brought us pens to
supplement our resources and handed then to Mr Cham, our head at

A friend of Annette’s in UK sent cash to
help both of the families. The picture shows Mr Cham meeting
Aji’s mum to hand over the money. We are delighted with all of
their help. Thank you.

Week ending 8th November
Lots of practical work happening this week
in our Skills Training School. Skills Year 1 were in our Bantaba
learning to make Beef Pizza.

2 were making Beef Stir-fry with pineapple and rice.

Skills 3 were doing
Tie and Dye practicals

We’ve been working for
sometime now to get our Classroom Assistant, Fatou Nyassi, to be
accredited by NAQAA as a fully qualified teacher to replace our
previous sewing teacher, who has recently left Sunrise. It was
lovely to see Fatou (left) having fun with one of her friends,
Nyima Sanyang, a student in Year 2. Fatou is an ex-student of
our skills centre who has helped us for many years now.

Another of our
ex-Students (Fatoumatta Sambou) called in to see us, this week.
Fatoumatta graduated in July and is now working at a restaurant
on the way to the airport, called Mymoona’s Garden. Another
success story for GETS and the Sunrise Centre.

Week ending 1st November
Tony captured a great picture of our
Education Director, Mr Cham, working hard at his desk. Great to
see how tidy is was today! As people dump things for his
attention most days this can be quite a challenge.

School break time
always creates wonderful picture opportunities. This time four
youngsters were sitting eating break time snacks in the hall.
This picture should really be part of a competition of “what
happens next”!
Great to see one of our Nursery teachers
come back to school with her ECD certificate showing that she
has been successful in passing her teacher training course and
is now a qualified Nursery Teacher. It’s been a challenge for
Mbacho to move from Sunrise Skills Training Centre to qualified
teacher and she thoroughly deserves this success.
Mr Darboe has been
teaching students about using papier mache to create shapes in
his handicraft lesson. This gives students a good feel of
working with different materials (some for the first time) and
many are very creative.

Another success story
belongs to Jainaba Badjie who has graduated from G12 at Brikama
Methodist School. She came to show us her certificate so that we
might pass on the good news to her sponsors. Tessa and Ray
Harding. Well done Jainaba!
She would like to move to do a nursing qualification next.
Back at Sunrise, the
Skills Training students have been tasked with clearing the
compound. This continues to be quite a challenge for us.

Week ending 25th October
One of our challenges at Sunrise is to keep
the environment tidy. When we finish a break-time one of the
teachers usually takes responsibility to make sure groups of
children clear waste paper from the play areas. This time it was
the Nursery school children who were clearing up. Here is Oumou
Bah from Nursery 1 doing a great job helping us.

The Skills Training
year 3s have been cooking in practical sessions, this time they
made vegetable Shawarama (a “wrap” often served as a lunch time
Students really enjoy
the practical work in the Bantaba. The picture shows them with a
fried rice dish during the serving process.

Later in the week the
Skills 1 students made a number of dishes including Fufu
(dumplings made from yams with a sauce of Superkanja -see
http://www.accessgambia.com/information/fufu-dish.html ) and
a fish dish with a spicy sauce including okra.

Week ending 18th October
Our children and students always enjoy
dressing up, which happens once a term during Mufti Days. We
have prizes and an award ceremony to recognise those who look
particularly good.
One such
pupil was someone with a very memorable name; from N3 called
Marie Antoinette Da Sylva. She is pictured with teacher Kaddy

Another pupil captured
on camera in the corridor was from N2, Wurry Mbye, looking very
bright and pretty in her costume.
During Friday
breaktime the hall was full of everyone as usual for this event
before breaking up to go into classes.

Class N1 on Mufti Day
Class N2 on Mufti Day.

Week ending 11th October
We were pleased to have two of our staff
come back to school this term with new skills and certificates
to prove it. Sulayman Jobe and Yassin Jammeh both passed
their Primary Teachers Certificate exams in Brikama Teacher
Training College. Well done to both of them.
We now have 2 classes
full of students and pupils for which Sunrise is a whole new
experience. The youngest in Nursery 1 posed under our big tree
with all of the teachers and assistants from Nursery. They all
look a little unsure at this time!
The new
Skills Training students in SK1 also stood, with their Teachers
and Assistants, for a class portrait too.

It's always fun to
see new characters grow up from being shy, very small people
into confident young adults. One of those who looks to be
starting this journey quite early is Musa Sanno (N1 - aged 3!)

Week ending 4th October
Our sewing classes are getting under way
now with our Classroom Assistant, Fatou Nyassi, continuing to
help run the class since our full time Teacher isn't available
to return after the summer. We hope to support Fatou to continue
in this role.
In our N3 Nursery Class, the children are
having a singing lesson today.
Week ending 27th September
This week our new school year has started.
We've been registering the new entrants the previous week and
it's great to see that places are in great demand as usual. Our
first 2 school assemblies are pictured here; one of Lower Basic
and one of Nursery.

Ruth McMeechan, one of our
helpers, usually supports the local staff at this time and we
are delighted that Ruth has come back to help us again as we
start the school up again after the summer break. Ruth has
helped with sorting out text book inventories and old book
replacement planning.

Ruth is also helping Sirrah Sambou, a
Skills Training Year 3 student whom she is sponsoring for her
final education year. Ruth and Sirrah are pictured here.
Thanks for all your help Ruth.

Attendees at GETS annual
AGM held in Dunton Green, near Sevenoaks on 31st August 2019.
Our supporters cover a wide area of the UK (as well as a few
from Europe) so we try to hold these meetings each year in
different parts of the UK in order to give the variety of
supporters a chance to attend the meetings. |